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How To Successfully Downsize Your Home In San Jose

Cash Home Buyers San Jose. Clutter and useless junk can be a pretty bad thing for a home. It reduces space, can cause health problems, and will leave a pretty negative/dirty feeling whenever you enter your San Jose home. Lest you want to be on the show Hoarders – this summer going into fall you should think about downsizing the amount of stuff you have within your San Jose home.

The best part about it is that you can make it a game with your family, and after the home is cleaned and decluttered – it will feel a lot cooler for the upcoming summer months.

In this article, we’re going to give you 3 ways that you can remove clutter and downsize the amount of stuff you have in your home.

3 Steps Towards Downsizing The Stuff in Your San Jose Home

  1. Set Goals + Take Inventory

We recommend that you do things room by room first, before going into the garage (which will take the most work if you use it for storage).

Begin by going through the restrooms, are there things in the medicine cabinets and within the drawers that you can do without? If there are multiple items of one product, for example, soap, you can buy containers that can organize the soaps you have. This way, you can find things easier – and use them rather than buying new ones whenever you can’t find something.

When you get into the bedrooms, take inventory of the closets. Is there anything you’re not looking to wear anymore or just won’t fit? Take inventory of all the clothes or items you can give away, and then donate them to Goodwill or your local homeless shelter. The best part about this is that you can get a tax write-off for the donation you give.

Do the same for your garage, and you’re all set!

  1. Donate and Sell 

Remember how we said to take inventory of everything? The best part about having smartphones is that you can take pictures of everything you have – and for the things that have value to them, you can list them on apps such as Offer Up. 

Not only does this give you some extra cash, but it allows for others in your community to buy the stuff you’re not using, which helps the environment and your wallet.

  1. Deep Clean

Now that you’ve sold/donated all of your stuff, you can begin to deep clean everything. Make sure to dust everything first, from window sills to bathroom fans, and dusty shelves. Make sure you wear a mask while doing this as well. 

From there, you can vacuum all the dust on the floor, and after vacuuming – you can begin mopping everything up.

Your home is now decluttered, has more room, and feels more spacious (and less hot!)

If you’re looking to declutter for the sake of selling your San Jose home, then leave it to us.

If you’re moving out and need cash fast (but you don’t want to do any of this) contact us for a free walkthrough. We’ll buy your home as-is, and when you move, leave everything that you don’t want for us to clean up.

It’s that simple.

We Buy Houses in San Jose

My team and I buy houses fast in San Jose and can give you an all-cash offer even faster. We buy houses fast in San Jose in any condition, and you don’t even need to clean up as well. 

If you’re wondering about what offer we can give you for your San Jose home, and you’re looking for the best people who buy houses in San Jose, feel free to give us a call anytime at (510) 900-8770 or you can fill out our form here today!

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Step 1 of 3

We had a very old home that needed a whole lot of repairs. My children are flown out of the nest and now we didn’t need to have all this space. We had a yard sale to sell off all of our unneeded goods and then we looked around for people to sell our home. The real estate agents all said we needed to make sure our home was fixed up before we could sell it, but we really didn’t have the money or the time to spend for such an endeavor. My husband and i saw an ad for Eugenes company and decided to give him a call. He answered right away and swept up off our feet with how polite and how detailed he was . we sold our home to him and had enough time to move to our new house. It was such an easy move

- Doreen A Fuerst